Living thousands of kilometers away from his beloved persons is the price Roy paid, in order to leave the war of Iraq behind him in search of a serene life towards the West. He had managed without any particular difficulties, had a stable job and could afford renting a house in Athens. “I used to see the homeless on the streets and thought they were lazy or illegals”, he told us. This could be an easy thought functioning as a shield to keep a distance from fear should we find ourselves on the other side. As the crisis deepens, finding a job becomes almost impossible. A few months later he finds himself on the streets. Wandering, he encounters people from the NGO “Klimaka” who are about to sleep outdoors along with the homeless, within the framework of the action “sleep out”. He had just found an opportunity. Not only did he want to be helped but also to help. Restless, earnest and hardworking, Roy daily accomplishes his full program in Klimaka, voluntarily. His offer to individuals experiencing the same situation is the source from which he derives his spiritual strength.