The City Of Anselma
SAMPLE CITIES / IMAGINARY SPACES Expanded Cinematographic Installation by Gusztáv Hámos and Katja Pratschke The video shows one of the art pieces of Sample Cities / Imaginary Spaces. It deals with the theme of personal urban perceptions, which we call »the city« and researches what is contained or concealed in the city. The source material […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Galata − Beyoğlu
Through Galata, a street vendor walks with his cart full of brassware. His path does not cross the touristic places. He leads us to the side streets where it is quiet, where people live in apartments and lead lives cut off from the everyday buzz of the bustling tourism in Galata. Comparing the present of […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Dolapdere − Beyoğlu
In this seven-minute documentary, we get to see how lively a flea market in Dolapdere/ Beyoğlu can be. We get the sense of a typical Turkish flea market where people bargain, break into conversations, have discussions on everything from the things we find in this market to musing about life itself. The camera captures all […]
Second Life in Ayvansaray
If you are thinking where to move next in Istanbul, have a look at Ayvansaray. It is going to be one of the new fancy places, populated by Avatarians designed by the muncipiality of Fatih. You feel like in the virtual world of Second Life, unreal looking houses with wooden looking plastic surfaces, stereotyped people […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / From Beyoğlu to Ümraniye
Starting from Beyoğlu the journey leads us to the Anatolian district Ümraniye. Artık İşler, by ferry crosses the Bosphorus to Üsküdar so as to take a bus to Ümraniye. Beyoğlu’ndan Ümraniye’ye gidebilmek için en pratik yollardan biri öncelikle Üsküdar’a ulaşmak. Üsküdar Ümraniye’yi denizden ve Boğaz’dan saklıyor. Bu ilçe yaklaşık 30 yıl önce kentleşmenin ve endüstrinin İstanbul […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Çukurcuma – Beyoğlu
“We are heading towards the heart of the “quality” waste collection of İstanbul. Paper trash collectors and scrap dealers are on either side. Once a picker told me that he had learnt, about three or four years ago, that the “Black & White photos also sell.” Sometimes, his friend would find Black & White photos […]
Buluntu / Found
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.