Remember the Blanks
A short video to the Gezi protests of the day 31st of May 2013. The documentary shows step by step the escalation of the protest. Beginning with a normal and peaceful demonstation it started to get aggressive when the police arrived and began to shoot with their weapons. As a result you have dead and […]
One morning when Gregor Samsa wakes up …
“Gregor Samsa woke up one morning and found himself, supposedly transformed into a gigantic insect. Can you imagine?” A video about young people who explore an abandoned house and make it come alive by introducing some kind of art into it. Starting with graffiti, action paintings, and climbing up to the house amongst cheers, the […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Post-election − Ümraniye
This documentary shows the waste gathered in the Istanbul district of Ümraniye after the election day. Nobody was working that day as they had been sounded off about it beforehand. The next day though, they are all out and there is a sizable increase in the “quality paper” that is flowing to the warehouse; mostly […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Term of office − Ümraniye
The dustmen have a lot to do during the term of office: More waste to take care of. After work, they sit together, have a chat and drink tea. Also, they follow the latest vote counting updates on TV with utmost curiosity. As the number of opened ballot boxes increase from 1% to 50%, their excitement […]
Buluntu / Found
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.
Left Over Work in Istanbul / From Beyoğlu to Ümraniye
Starting from Beyoğlu the journey leads us to the Anatolian district Ümraniye. Artık İşler, by ferry crosses the Bosphorus to Üsküdar so as to take a bus to Ümraniye. Beyoğlu’ndan Ümraniye’ye gidebilmek için en pratik yollardan biri öncelikle Üsküdar’a ulaşmak. Üsküdar Ümraniye’yi denizden ve Boğaz’dan saklıyor. Bu ilçe yaklaşık 30 yıl önce kentleşmenin ve endüstrinin İstanbul […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Çukurcuma – Beyoğlu
“We are heading towards the heart of the “quality” waste collection of İstanbul. Paper trash collectors and scrap dealers are on either side. Once a picker told me that he had learnt, about three or four years ago, that the “Black & White photos also sell.” Sometimes, his friend would find Black & White photos […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Showtime in Ümraniye
Cihan, a garbage man of Ümraniye, tries to describe the size of the warehouse. But since he could not, Cihan invited Artıkişler Kolektifi to show the building. The team followed him into a two-storey building. There is something he wants to shoot: the visual of the papers from above, the interior of the warehouse, and […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Dolapdere − Beyoğlu
In this seven-minute documentary, we get to see how lively a flea market in Dolapdere/ Beyoğlu can be. We get the sense of a typical Turkish flea market where people bargain, break into conversations, have discussions on everything from the things we find in this market to musing about life itself. The camera captures all […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Local Election period in Ümraniye
During the time of local elections, the market square and the streets of Ümraniye are adorned with political advertisements. Artıkişler accompanies a young dustman through the streets and tries to capture the incredible number of AKP posters with his camera. ………….. Tanışma Vakti Yerel seçimler öncesi Ümraniye çarşısı neredeyse tüm partilerin gösteri alanına dönüşmüş durumda. Meydanın ortasında bir […]