Following the protests in Turkey 2013 the international online platform InEnArt is developing StreetWalking, a critical examination of urban transformation.
StreetWalking is a reflection of the urban methamorphosis based on topics like culture, politics, social values, gentrification and commercialisation of the society and migration and inclusion.
StreetWalking aims to become an unique platform for the demands of the residence of a city during an urban transformation process which often don’t consider the needs of its population.
StreetWalking will become a collective narration through the common use of mobile communication devices such as smartphones: residents of different districts will develop new forms of expression to discover their environment in motion pictures. These movies will be published finally in real-time using mobile devices.
Become involved
We are searching always actors who are creating or who want to create movies about their communities. We are conducting as well regular workshops. The workshop participants learn how to use mobile communication devices to express their ideas, thoughts and needs about the current urban transformation and collect them via the StreetWalking app as a global archive.
This mobile archive shall engage further debates and shall expand the knowledge about city planing, designed environment, urbanization and the needs and demands of its residents.
Become involved, participate into the workshops and create your own video about your environment.