Video is a very powerful medium for storytelling and mobile technology is a great equaliser, allowing for even greater participation in the process.
The advantages of mobile journalism are many. Mobile phones are always with you. Knowing how to act quickly with the proper tools will allow you to create and share video, often in real time. Mobile phones are everywhere.
Mobile phones are relatively cheap compared with professional recording kits. They are connected to a network, allowing for live streaming and uploading to the internet over mobile data connection.
Filming with a Mobile Phone
Quick tips for effectively capturing video on a mobile phone by WITNESS – international organization for the training of using video safely, ethically, and effectively.
An Illustrated Guide for Video
This illustrated guide provides tips on filming strategically in order to safely capture the best images and audio for your video by WITNESS – international organization for the training of using video safely, ethically, and effectively.
Production Basics
Basic tips for creating aesthetically appealing videos, including framing your shots and setting up interviews by WITNESS – international organization for the training of using video safely, ethically, and effectively.
Conducting Interviews
Ethical considerations and basic production tips for setting up and filming interviews by WITNESS – international organization for the training of using video safely, ethically, and effectively.
Film Dramaturgy by Joseph Cambell
The Hero with a Thousand Faces is a comparative study on world mythology: Theory of the journey of the universal archetypal hero.