A calm boy appears from a window. He stays for a while then he walks to the door of the balcony. With a sad face, he gets out slowly to watch the empty street. Suddenly he finds something on the floor of the balcony. He takes it and lightly runs inside. He gets out again […]
Multi Cultural Events
The Sudanese Migrant Community was organizing a Multi Cultural Night at the Little Sisters of the Poor in Hamrun on Saturday July 14th, 7:30pm onwards.
Buluntu / Found
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.
Familja migrAzzjoni
I was born there, but I live here.... 5 Stories of Migration in Malta
Humus Connection in Istanbul
A short fiction by actress Katharina Weithaler about a guy with the name Mohamad from Syria. Mohamad lifes displaced from Syria in Istanbul and learns German. His dream is to resettle in Germany one day to finish his stydies at a German university. Mohamad (Karim) learns German with his teacher Stephanie (Katharina) in a restaurant […]
I Am No Bird
“Toyour” meets the reality of politics when the Trump administration’s travel ban forces Samer, a green card holder, to cancel international shows and puts into question the upcoming release of his album in Beirut.
One Take Exercise September 29
Shooting with the participants of the workshop in Valletta at the Volunteer Center.
Map of the Mediterranean
The poem Map of the Mediterranean by Antoine Cassar describes the shapes of the Meditarrean Sea in relation to history of its people, including ancient and contemporary migrations.
Hayalet (Ghost)
This short movie by Nazli Mayuk shot on the Princess Islands in Istanbul introduces an abandoned building on the Adalar Island. Originally having been built as a luxuriant hotel and casino by Alexander Vallaury in 1889, Prinkipo Greek Orthodox Orphanage served as a home for Greek orphans from 1903 to 1964. Following the Cyprus Issue […]