Streetcars Stop
In Toronoto the honeless people find shelter in the Streetcar (Tramway) stops of the city.
To a Friend
To a Friend is a short video by Moawia Shannan taken in one singel shot. The actor of the movie is Moawia himself as well as the narrator of the Arabic poem. The movie is about nostalgia and memory. When Moawia was walking at this alley in Istanbul for the first time he was remembering […]
Arts and Crafts for School Assembly
Heidi de Carlo - herself a teacher - is capturing the preparaption for the scholl assembly in a school in Malta.
In a simple one single shot Kutaiba Hajirah presents his calendar showing canceled dates and schedules during Covid-19 pandemic.
Dirty Money
Short movie taken in one single shot by Mais Mhd showing a girl from Aleppo begging for money main businees street in Istanbul. When Mais asked her what she wants to do in future she only asks for money.
The social creatitivity project for creating awareness of street animals iKEDi visited IDW Haskoy Design Route on 29.09.2012. Large and small puppets designed by Roger Titley are assembled in the mobile ateliers by participants of the day. Animals of the city are all’Istanbulities’. Video produced by Verena and Mara as a contribution to InEnArt by […]
Istanbul United − Trailer
All over the world we can witness acts of civil disobedience against the ruling powers these days. The groups of protesters often consist of a wide range of interest groups. At times these alliances are able to bridge their deeply rooted conflicts in order to unit for a common cause. During the current protests in […]
Metro Saturday June 8, 2013 at midnight
This video is taken by Ufuk Aziz in the metro where people just left the Gezi Park and sang: “This is only the beginning, we will continue our fight!”
One Step Dance
Maebel Mehari lives since one and a half years in Malta and visits with us his HipHop class.