Left Over Work in Istanbul / Taksim Meydanı − Beyoğlu
Since summer 2013, Taksim Meydanı has lost a lot of its usual sights but still many people pass by; businessmen, businesswomen, tourists, students and dustmen. The documentary focusses on dustmen and their daily walk through the Taksim Square and its surroundings. It shows their hard work of lugging around tonnes of garbage stashed in one […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Tarlabaşı − Beyoğlu
This video from the Left Over series by Artıkişler Kolektifi was created only with unused footage from the documentary Exiles of Metropol (Metropol Sürgünleri). As a method, and not as a solution, Artıkişler Kolektifi decided to work with found footage about the past of the Tarlabaşı district instead of producing new images. The filmmaker treats […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Term of office − Ümraniye
The dustmen have a lot to do during the term of office: More waste to take care of. After work, they sit together, have a chat and drink tea. Also, they follow the latest vote counting updates on TV with utmost curiosity. As the number of opened ballot boxes increase from 1% to 50%, their excitement […]
Left Over Work in Istanbul / Tünel − Beyoğlu
Artıkişler Kolektifi shoots a documentary around a trash pile in İstiklal Caddesi. A garbage truck bearing the logo of the municipality arrives at the scene. Soon the stack of trash is destroyed by the truck. However, before that, some people come by and pick out some stuff from the pile on the street. A boy, who […]
One morning when Gregor Samsa wakes up …
“Gregor Samsa woke up one morning and found himself, supposedly transformed into a gigantic insect. Can you imagine?” A video about young people who explore an abandoned house and make it come alive by introducing some kind of art into it. Starting with graffiti, action paintings, and climbing up to the house amongst cheers, the […]
Remember the Blanks
A short video to the Gezi protests of the day 31st of May 2013. The documentary shows step by step the escalation of the protest. Beginning with a normal and peaceful demonstation it started to get aggressive when the police arrived and began to shoot with their weapons. As a result you have dead and […]